We are just over the one month anniversary of our arrival in Oregon. 30 days. That's all it's been. 45 days ago we left Minnesota with a trip plan, a 4x8 trailer loaded with everything we owned, and a vague notion that we were 'moving to Oregon'.
In that time we drove almost 2,000 miles, saw Rushmore and Crazy Horse, visited/drove threw several states we hadn't been in before and nearly visited Seattle (but not quite, heh). We showed up in Oregon with hope for the future and some money in savings to keep us going until we 'got settled'. We started out with sleeping on a friend's couch, then at a dubious extended stay motel in the country, then a motel in Eugene proper, and then back in with our friends. Between then and now we have managed to find a 5 bedroom house to rent with our friends, get our Oregon drivers licenses, get qualified for Oregon based health insurance and so much more.
It is at these moments that I cannot help but believe that we as humans are capable to some degree of manifestation. It feels like magick that we have managed to get so far so quickly. Beyond that, it feels as though everything happens for a reason, that everything that has happened before has helped to lead up to this moment.
Staying with my parents prepared us for the unforeseen but welcome circumstance of co-housing with another family - something that we have been able to transition into with relative grace. Being a part of the API group in Minnesota gave me the heart skills to be gentle with my children, and to lovingly and non-judgmentally interact with other people's children.
My move to Florida and back gave Dean and I solid road trip skills, and an understanding of what is really needed when you are moving across the country. Road tripping with my dear friend Brooke with two one-year-olds taught me good solid Tetris-ing skills (how to pack a car to the brim without leaving any unused space) and how to survive a road trip with a small child.
In short, it just feels like everything is coming together. Everything is going to work out, and we're really going to do this. Now that we've begun, everything is starting to fall into placing, success snowballing. The way is clear.